Sofie Gars Borchorst

+45 2217 9223

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Sofie has over 10 years of teaching experience, both from her previous work as a college teacher and most recently as a consultant. When Sofie teaches, she attaches importance to engaging everyone who is in the room, by being curious about who they are and by involving practice-related examples from their projects, as well as including her own experiences.

Relevant projects and roles:
• Municipality of Hørsholm: Development of project model. Development of project model in collaboration with the customer for use across the departments in the municipality. Role: facilitator and advisor.

• BYGST (The Building Authority): Project Assistance - the extension of the Panum Institute. Creation of project office and assistance to client in relation to basic project management. In addition, facilitating various project elements, including risk analysis, stakeholder management and milestone planning. Role: consultant and project manager.

• Kalundborg Supply: Strategic health. The purpose of the counseling is to prepare a strategic health plan and implementation plan to reduce staff sickness absence and to increase well-being and productivity. Role: project manager and teacher.


MS Sports and Health, University of Southern Denmark


IPMA level D