


Half Double Foundation
Kurset på disse datoer er fuldt booket eller reserveret. Hvis du fortsætter skrives du på ventelisten. Alternativt kan du vælge en anden dato.


Deltager 1

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When you enrol for one of our courses, you give us consent to process the personal data you share with us in connection with the course and registration. We use your personal data in order to ensure a high level of service and quality in our services. This occurs in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable laws. Read more about our data processing policy here (section 2.5). You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to privacy@implement.dk.

  • 1 Half Double Foundation
    mandag d. 17. februar 2025Kl. 09:00-16:30
    tirsdag d. 18. februar 2025Kl. 09:00-16:30
    onsdag d. 19. februar 2025Kl. 09:00-16:30

    Annemarie Malchow-Knudsen

1 x deltager á DKK 14,000,-DKK 14,000,-
Samlet prisDKK 14,000,-
Alle beløb er eksl. moms